Please contact me via email at if you are interested in a purchase or in setting up a viewing of any of my available works.

Solo Show
to Nov 30

Solo Show

I will be the featured ceramic artist at the Cherokee County Arts Council in Murphy, NC. They offer a solo show to a ceramic artist each November, and I am honored to have been selected this year. I will be giving an artist talk on the afternoon of October 30 when I deliver my work.

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Combining the Human and Animal in Wall Sculpture Workshop
to Aug 18

Combining the Human and Animal in Wall Sculpture Workshop

Join me for this weekend's workshop focusing on combining human and animal elements to create a wall sculpture! All skill levels are welcome. Sign up with the Centennial Art Center here! Update: I think this workshop is full, but you can contact the Centennial Art Center and request to be on the waiting list.

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"Earth and Fire"
to Mar 30

"Earth and Fire"

  • Stifel Fine Arts Center | Oglebay Institute, Earth & Fire Exhibit, (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

My piece, “Growing Together” will be part of this exhibition. Opening is Feb. 23!

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Feature at Shimai Gallery

Feature at Shimai Gallery

I will be the featured artist at Shimai Gallery in December! Just in time for the holidays- I will be creating 16 small wall sculptures for Shimai. There will also be some larger sculptures too! Some come out and see me Saturday Dec. 2 at Shimai (behind Loveless Cafe).

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Workshop at Buchanan Arts - Merging the Human and Animal
to Nov 12

Workshop at Buchanan Arts - Merging the Human and Animal

Students will hand build in clay a figurative form that encompasses elements of both human and the animal subject matter. Gesture, narrative, and mood will be the focus, while improving specific anatomy sculpting skills. Surface process will be discussed. Bring your visions, be ready to breakdown sticking points in your process, and make something real that tells your unique story. go to Buchanan Arts to sign up!

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"In. Visible" Group Gallery Show
to Dec 30

"In. Visible" Group Gallery Show

  • The Bascom : A Center for Visual Arts (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

I will have a piece in this group gallery show at the Bascom: A Center for the Visual Arts in NC. This show is being curated by Kirsten Stingle and is sure to be amazing! If you are in the area please make an effort to come out and see it. Check out this feature in the exposure section of Ceramics Monthly November 2023 issue!

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to Jun 16

Workshop at Buchanan Arts: Sculpting your Stories- Head and Shoulders as Foundation

I will be leading a 5 day workshop at Buchanan Arts from 9-1 each day. We will work on sculpting the head and shoulders at about 3/4 scale. we will hollow build the head and shoulders separately, then put them together in a gesture that lends itself to the narrative and mood of the piece you want to create (with possible abstracted additions!) We will spend time sketching the features (eyes, nose, mouth, and ears) before we start on the heads. I will also spend time talking about my surface process. Bring your visions, and be ready to get messy, to breakdown sticking points in your process, and and makes something real that tells a story.

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Open Studio

Come see my studio space! I will have all the work I’ve made this fall available for purchase. Please email me or DM me from my instagram for the address.

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Artist Reception for "My Middle Tells the Truth: Weaving the In-Between"

I will be hosting a reception at the Appalachian Craft Center for my solo show on Saturday, September 10, 2022, from 2-5 PM!! Please come on out if you are able, and bring your friends! There are also 3 other galleries at the craft center, with lovely work in each one, plus their beautiful fine craft shop- so lots to see!

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to Oct 2

Head and Shoulders 6 week class for adults

“Head and Shoulders” 6 week class for adults happening on my back patio adjacent to my studio in East Nashville. This will be once a week on Sunday evenings from 6-8:30 pm, starting August 28- October 2. We will spend the first 4 weeks building a hollow form head and shoulders figure, and the last 2 weeks working on surfaces. You will come away with a completed form. I only have space for 5 students, so please email me if you are interested. Price is $250 (This is an introductory price as this is my first go at this, in this setting. It will likely be $325 if I do it again in the spring.) I’m excited to deepen my relationship with people who also feel connected to clay!

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